Feminine Energywork

To receive a Womb Blessing or a Womb Healing is a transformative journey for a woman of any age, to (re-)connect to the creative powers of her sacred feminine centers.

These methods have been created by Miranda Gray, the author of "Red Moon". Her passion and gifts have been shared with many women worldwide, who became initiated as moon mothers. Moon mothers are dedicated to sharing this work to bring balance and harmony to all women and Mother Earth. 

Womb Blessing

Womb Blessing is a catalysator to enlighten your feminine spark and to enliven your creative power. This energetic bodywork is a transformative experience which initiates deep spiritual changes and connections to your feminine essence.

The Womb Blessing will benefit you as a woman to:

> awaken  a deeper awareness of the Divine Feminine

> awaken repressed and dormant aspects of your four female archetypes

> awaken an increasing understanding of your femininity and your path in life

> giving you the courage to express your authentic nature

> awaken, energize and heal your three main female energy centers

> awaken your ability to love unconditionally

> clear old patterns and blocks

> heal the deep patterns of women´s ancestry and past

> energize the womb energy center, returning depleted energy and bringing completeness

> bring increasing self-empowerment and a sense of peace, self-acceptance and self-love

> bring healing to all levels of your being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

A Womb Blessing can be received once a month as each blessing builds on the previous one, supporting you on the path of embodying your complete and unique feminine nature.

Womb Healing

Womb Healing is a supportive experience, created to replenish energy levels and gently clear blockages in aspects of the four archetypes.

The Womb Healing supports you as a woman in:

> healing aspects of the four female archetypes that are already awake in your life, but which may be depleted or blocked

> activating and balancing the flow of energy between the archetypes, bringing balance to the menstrual cycle and to your life

> bringing healing to your main female centers – the star (third eye), the Chalice (heart) and the Cauldron (Womb) – to clear and balance to flow of energy between them

A Womb Healing can be received as often as you desire and complements a Womb Blessing perfectly.